Find a Residential property to rent in Blouberg

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View Blouberg suburbs starting with:


big bay

big bay has approximately 1 properties to rent. The suburb has a total area of approximately 0.9095921 km2.

flamingo vlei

flamingo vlei has approximately 1 properties to rent. The suburb has a total area of approximately 1.244601 km2.


parklands has approximately 4 properties to rent. The suburb has a total area of approximately 2.467123 km2.

parklands ext

parklands ext has approximately 2 properties to rent. The suburb has a total area of approximately 1.588657 km2.


richwood has approximately 7 properties to rent. The suburb has a total area of approximately 0.7671467 km2.


sunningdale has approximately 2 properties to rent. The suburb has a total area of approximately 1.725565 km2.

table view

table view has approximately 13 properties to rent. The suburb has a total area of approximately 6.136843 km2.  Estimated average price for listed properties in this area: R 24 742.

west beach

west beach has approximately 5 properties to rent. The suburb has a total area of approximately 1.156666 km2.

Recently Added

5 beds 4 baths new
1 beds 1 baths new
3 beds 2 baths new
3 beds 2 baths
3 beds 2.5 baths
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