bedford gardens
bedford gardens has approximately 15 properties to rent. The suburb has a total area of approximately 0.602025 km2. Estimated average price for listed properties in this area: R 14 586.
bedford park
bedford park has approximately 1 properties to rent. The suburb has a total area of approximately 0.2809463 km2.
bedfordview has approximately 33 properties to rent. The suburb has a total area of approximately 11.07176 km2. Estimated average price for listed properties in this area: R 16 727.
castleview has approximately 7 properties to rent. The suburb has a total area of approximately 0.4963192 km2.
dawnview has approximately 1 properties to rent. The suburb has a total area of approximately 0.7003433 km2.
dinwiddie has approximately 5 properties to rent. The suburb has a total area of approximately 1.706089 km2.
elandshaven has approximately 1 properties to rent. The suburb has a total area of approximately 1.069582 km2.
elsburg has approximately 3 properties to rent. The suburb has a total area of approximately 3.046179 km2.
elspark has approximately 6 properties to rent. The suburb has a total area of approximately 3.927463 km2.
essexwold has approximately 2 properties to rent. The suburb has a total area of approximately 0.5993812 km2.
gerdview has approximately 1 properties to rent. The suburb has a total area of approximately 0.5175286 km2.
germiston south (industries e a)
germiston south (industries e a) has approximately 1 properties to rent. The suburb has a total area of approximately 1.022968 km2.