actonville ext 4
actonville ext 4 has approximately 1 properties to rent. The suburb has a total area of approximately 0.1960884 km2.
apex has approximately 7 properties to rent. The suburb has a total area of approximately 3.311743 km2.
benoni south
benoni south has approximately 11 properties to rent. The suburb has a total area of approximately 2.852353 km2. Estimated average price for listed properties in this area: R 34 636.
inglethorpe ah
inglethorpe ah has approximately 1 properties to rent. The suburb has a total area of approximately 7.039155 km2.
morehell ext 5
morehell ext 5 has approximately 5 properties to rent. The suburb has a total area of approximately 3.225548 km2.
morehill has approximately 1 properties to rent. The suburb has a total area of approximately 1.897621 km2.
nestadt industrial
nestadt industrial has approximately 2 properties to rent. The suburb has a total area of approximately 0.7410251 km2.