bailey's muckleneuk
bailey's muckleneuk has approximately 3 properties to rent. The suburb has a total area of approximately 0.7963004 km2.
brooklyn has approximately 38 properties to rent. The suburb has a total area of approximately 2.562907 km2. Estimated average price for listed properties in this area: R 107 391.
capital park
capital park has approximately 3 properties to rent. The suburb has a total area of approximately 3.416316 km2.
claremont has approximately 2 properties to rent. The suburb has a total area of approximately 3.510412 km2.
die wilgers
die wilgers has approximately 1 properties to rent. The suburb has a total area of approximately 2.855107 km2.
erasmuskloof has approximately 1 properties to rent. The suburb has a total area of approximately 4.014235 km2.
erasmusrand has approximately 1 properties to rent. The suburb has a total area of approximately 0.9009809 km2.
faerie glen
faerie glen has approximately 5 properties to rent. The suburb has a total area of approximately 8.320044 km2.
garsfontein has approximately 1 properties to rent. The suburb has a total area of approximately 7.298524 km2.
groenkloof has approximately 2 properties to rent. The suburb has a total area of approximately 2.829313 km2.
hatfield has approximately 2 properties to rent. The suburb has a total area of approximately 1.973639 km2.
hazelwood has approximately 9 properties to rent. The suburb has a total area of approximately 1.576288 km2.