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R 23 345 | building property to rent in durban central

Property Description

Here are some suggestions for configuring the shop front on Commercial Street: Open Layout with Flexible Configuration: Since the white box can be configured, consider an open layout that allows for flexibility in arranging displays and merchandise. This will make the most of the limited space and enable you to adapt to changing needs. Utilize Vertical Space: With a narrow and long shop, maximize the use of vertical space by installing tall shelves, racks, or display stands. This will create additional storage and showcase opportunities without cluttering the floor. Eye-catching Window Displays: Given the high foot traffic, invest in captivating window displays that draw customers' attention. Create visually appealing arrangements to entice potential customers passing by during both the early morning and evening peak periods. Efficient Checkout Counter: Since space is limited, design an efficient checkout counter that allows for smooth customer flow. Consider using portable or collapsible counters during non-peak hours to free up space for browsing. Strategic Product Placement: Arrange products strategically to encourage customers to explore the entire shop. Place popular and impulse-buy items near the entrance to attract customers and lead them deeper into the store. Lighting and Ambience: Use adequate lighting to highlight products and create a welcoming atmosphere. The right lighting can enhance the shopping experience and make the shop appear more spacious. Utilize Mirrors: Install mirrors strategically to give the illusion of a larger space. Mirrors can also reflect light and create a brighter, more inviting ambiance. Optimize Storage Space: Since there is no back entrance, make the most of the available storage space within the shop. Consider using storage solutions that are not easily visible to customers but accessible for staff. Promotions and Special Offers: Take advantage of the high foot traffic by offering promotions and special deals during peak hours. This will attract more customers and potentially increase sales. Customer Service and Engagement: Emphasize excellent customer service to enhance the shopping experience. Engage with customers, provide assistance, and answer their questions to encourage repeat visits and positive word-of-mouth. Online Presence: Consider establishing an online presence and integrating it with the physical shop. This can expand your reach and allow customers to browse and purchase products even outside of regular business hours. By following these suggestions, you can create a welcoming and efficient shop that caters to the high foot traffic on Commercial Street, making it appealing to a wide range of customers and ensuring the success of your general retail business.

Property Details

Rental R 23 345

Building Size102 m2

Price Per SQMR 228 m2

Type of PropertyBuilding


Lease Term36 months

Last Updated27 Dec 2023

Property Location

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